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5 Solutions for Great Skin


Almost everyone would like to improve the way that their skin looks. In this blog, I am going to focus on some skin solutions to try in the comfort of your own home – some in pajamas! Before you spend money on expensive products, here are 5 things you can do right now to get started:

1 – Go to sleep!  A restful night of sleep can do wonders for your skin. Skin is able to take the time to repair itself as you rest, because there are less environmental factors to battle. No extra minutes in your day? Make the most of the time you do have by sleeping in a cool, dark room, and take advantage of white noise and sleeping masks.

2 – Get moving! Cardiovascular exercise builds capillaries which feed the skin and allow it to look more youthful and radiant. Anything that gets you moving and gets your heart rate up will help; even a brisk walk.

3 – Don’t forget the fats! It’s true. This is a case of moisturizing from within. You can put tons of expensive creams and lotions on your skin, but the more Omega 3 fatty acids you put into your body, the healthier your skin will look. Avocados, eggs, salmon, tuna and olive oils are all great sources of Omega 3s, and will help increase skin luminosity.

4 – Do the laundry! Not to give you extra housework, but clean linens help keep skin clear and bright. Use laundry detergents that are free from irritants, and if you have trouble with frequent breakouts, change your pillowcases, towels, and washcloths as often as you can.

5 – Water! Everybody knows that drinking lots of water is great for the skin but many people don’t know that the temperature of the water you use to wash your skin is also very important. Using water that is too hot can rupture capillaries and cause redness. Try washing your face with cooler water, and you will see a difference instantly.

I hope these tips help you all to look radiant without any makeup at all!  Please share your skincare stories with me, and submit questions for a future blog by emailing me at

Thanks so much for reading!